We regularly partner with foundations and support organizations to provide services to cohorts of grantees, fellows, and program participants.
Our most popularly requested option is facilitating one, two, three, or all four sessions of our Cosmos Financial Foundations series: Two hour online workshops sessions with a one session per week cadence. (You can find descriptions of the Foundations workshops linked here).
Private Workshop Pricing Guide

The above guide is for private workshops for your cohort. Alternatively, clients may choose to pay to send cohort members to our public workshops, which have multiple ticket tiers available (public workshop dates and info linked here).
Consulting hours can be made available to grantees or cohort members as a follow-up to workshops, or as a standalone direct technical assistance service.
Example topics: budgeting, cash flow projections, internal process review, audit support, setting up a chart of accounts
$275/hour standard rate (info on our solidarity rates linked here)
To get in touch about bringing us to your cohort, fill out our intake form linked here or write to us at <info@bookkeeping.coop>!
Past clients include:
Here is an example scope of work for an organization that falls on Level 2 of the Pricing Guide. Clients may choose a different number of workshops or number of consulting hours, or choose either consulting only or workshops only.
Four-Part Workshop Series
1. Understanding My Organization’s Finances
2. Budgeting with Values
3. Multiple Futures: Cash Flow & Scenario Planning
4. Beyond Spreadsheets: Engaging Financial Reports
Length and location: 2 hours per workshop; Hosted on ABC’s Zoom account
Participants: selected grantees of Client
ABC will create a registration form for Client to share with participants. This includes a pre-training form to better understand participant needs.
Learning goals:
- Strengthen understanding of budget and financial reports and how they interact with organizational values
- Increase understanding of basic financial terminology
- Increase understanding of 4 different financial reports (budget, cash flow, profit & loss, balance sheet) and what information they hold
- Increase confidence in asking finance questions
- Share experiences, templates and resources
- Have fun!
$4,500 per workshop x 4 = $18,000
Follow-Up Consulting
5 hours of follow up consulting for each of up to 10 groups
Rate: $275/hour (estimated total: $13,750)
ABC consulting hours can be made available to grantees for organization-specific financial systems questions or support on implementing tools from our workshop series. ABC will create a signup form for follow up consulting for workshop participants.
Consulting hours expire after 1 year. ABC will only bill the Client for Consulting hours worked within the agreed upon budget.
~5 hours Project Management for all of the above (ABC internal and ABC-Client meetings) @$275/hour (estimated total: $1,375)
Total Scope Cost Estimate: $31,750
To get in touch about bringing us to your cohort, fill out our intake form linked here or write to us at <info@bookkeeping.coop>!